Sam’s Place is a fast growing institution for the deaf.  We began with seven children and have grown to over fifty.   As the number of children grew, the number of staff and teachers also increased.  In 2023, our successes at Sam's Place and with the growth of our first children, our children continue are now engaged in extraordinary educational pursuits at Sam's Place and in a number of post-secondary institutions in western Kenya.  Here is the educational breakdown of our children and where they are on their educational journey:

  • Primary school  = 21 children (we are engaged in adding 14 new young primary deaf orphans at Sam's Place)
  • High school = 15 children
  • Two Technical training colleges ( St. Josephs & Sikri ) = 13
  • Joining university college September 2023  = 2
  • To join IT class in September = 1
  • Graduated and completed their vocational training, now beginning in business = 5
  • Total current children in various educational levels = 57

As you can see by the plan to add 14 new young deaf orphans immediately and there will be more added when our Annex is completed, Sam's Place is engaged in rapid growth and our children are succeeding at every level.  Due to this kind of rapid growth, and the wide expanse where our older children attend various colleges and technical schools, it involves a lot of movement and transportation to support our children.  For that reason, our director, Simeon Ongiri Atanga, needs a reliable means of transportation to support our operations, at Sam's Place and throughout western Kenya where our older students study. 

Simeon is using an old vehicle, a Toyota Noah van, to support his work at Sam's Place.  The Noah van is breaking down often on local and extended trips from Sam's Place.  The van is no longer dependable and is a security risk, especially when carrying our children  on trips or routine  journeys to local places for supplies, medical care, or other routine activities.

Simeon is also searching for other vulnerable deaf orphans still hidden in the secluded villages deep in the bush.  As Simeon has done countless times in the past, he is traveling to these isolated villages to rescue desperate deaf orphans living in those places without hope or a future.  Is is imperative that a reliable vehicle is available for Simeon to carry out this mission of rescue. 

The purchase of a replacement vehicle for the old Noah van is vital.  The plan calls for the purchase of a late model (2016 or newer) used Toyota Hilux, double cab four-wheel truck.  We believe that the four-wheel truck will be more durable on the rough roads in rural Kenya and will provide for more cargo space for the various support work that Simeon must do in daily operations. 

The estimated price on the used import market from Japan is:  $45,000.  Consider joining us and make a gift to the vehicle fund.


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Leader: Dr. Vernon L. Williams

Phone: 325-280-3399

Email Group Leader

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