A Fundraiser for the Purchase of Bus Transportation for Our Children

GOAL: $65,000.00

RAISED: $3,568.00

Donate to Help Bring a 33-Passenger Bus to Sam's Place

Bus transportation is needed to provide flexibility for Sam's Place to give our children access to educational opportunities and to build a community of learning and team building for our school.  In the past, trips for field work, literary, cultural, and athletic competitions and forums have been limited to using commercial rentals of small mutatus (vans) that have been very expensive and sometimes risky due to the ages of the vehicle and distance traveled.  Here are some examples of mutatus for hire.  They are old and crowded.


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 The solution to our future transportation needs is to raise funds for s 33-passenger, late model  bus that can be used by our staff to transport our children to the various local, regional, and national events.  The bus provide better flexibility to have transportation for portions of our student body who might need to go for local medical treatment or checkups, field trips, or other extended trips for regional or national competition.  

The bus giving goal calls for $65,000 to be raised.  Once this funding goal is reached, a late model (2016 or newer) bus will be purchased.  The plan calls for selected members of our staff in Kenya to be trained to drive these buses and educated in the safety procedures needed for each driver.   A driver stipend will be paid to these drivers for this extra duty that is added to their work at Sam's Place.

Here are some examples of the type buses that will be purchased with our bus project.

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Leader: Dr. Vernon L. Williams

Phone: 325-280-3399

Email Group Leader

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